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Dog grooming and other FAQs from our Lincoln office

Wachal Pet Health Center would like to take a moment to address some of the frequently asked questions we receive about pet health and pet related issues.  Please take a moment to review the FAQs below, and see if your question is answered there. If not, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and contact our office in Lincoln to ask. We’re always happy to help our clients learn more about pet health and disease prevention. Thanks for visiting!

How should I care for my pets' teeth?

The best way to properly care for your pet’s oral hygiene is to brush their teeth daily. Just like us, our pets develop plaque on their teeth which, if not removed, can lead to oral health problems. There are bones and special treats that can help promote oral health, but the best way to clean your pet’s teeth is by brushing them. It may take some time for your dog or cat to get used to the idea of having their teeth brushed, but they can be eased into it. You can start by letting them taste the toothpaste from your finger. There are special veterinary toothpastes made in flavors like chicken that appeal to animals. Once they get used to the toothpaste you can begin by brushing 1-2 teeth to introduce them to the sensation. After a few cleanings your pet will probably start to enjoy the brushing and will be happy to let you do it. Along with the special toothpaste a special toothbrush should be used with soft bristles and a long handle so you can reach the teeth in the back of your pet’s mouth.

What are some common dental problems in pets?

A high percentage of cats and dogs will experience periodontal disease during their lives, and the risk increases as they get older. Periodontal disease affects the gum and supporting structures of the teeth. Left untreated, periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss and bone loss in the jaw. Periodontal disease is also related to other health issues, such as heart disease. It is important to have regularly scheduled teeth and gum cleanings for your pet.

What causes my pet's bad breath?

Many people think that it is normal for a dog to have bad breath, but that is not the case. Bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth that create byproducts that contain sulfur. Regular home cleanings accompanied with scheduled professional cleanings will help to prevent bad breath and the bacteria that cause it.

How can I help my pet lose weight?

If you have noticed that your pet has gained weight recently you should schedule an appointment with your vet. Changes in your pet’s weight can be a sign of disease. Once sickness is ruled out, your vet can help you come up with a diet and exercise plan for your pet to help manage their weight. There are specially made pet foods for pets that are overweight. You also need to make sure you are regularly walking your dog or taking time to play with your cat so they are getting the exercise and activity that they need on a daily basis.

What are heartworms and how can they be prevented?

Heartworms are a parasite that attacks your pet’s heart. They are usually transmitted by a bite from an insect that is carrying the parasite. If heartworms are left untreated they can cause serious heart problems. There are preventative medicines available, like Heartgard, to keep your pet from being infected with heartworms. Your pet should start taking this medication at around 2 months old.

We are going away on vacation and the kennel requires that our dog has a kennel cough vaccine. What is that?

Kennel cough is an upper respiratory infection caused by either bacteria or a virus. It can cause a harsh dry cough in your dog that can last for a few weeks. It is very contagious and is commonly transmitted in environments where there are many dogs in one place, like a kennel. Most kennels require that your dog is vaccinated for their safety and the safety of the other dogs.